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воскресенье, 9 мая 2010 г.

Conectarea la Internet folosind un modem

Cea mai comuna metoda de a te conecta la Internet este folosirea unui modem legat la o linie telefonica. Modemul (MOdulator/DEModulator) este necesar pentru a converti semnalele digitale din calculator in semnale analogice pentru a putea fi transmise pe o linie telefonica obisnuita,si invers.Modemurile sint disponibile in versiune externa si in versiune interna.Modemurile externe au propria carcasa, sursa de tensiune separata si se conecteaza cu calculatorul prin cablu serial.Modemurile interne se conecteaza la un slot in calculator si folosesc sursa calculatorului.Alegrea modemului tine mai mult de gust decit de performanta.Modemurile interne sint mai ieftine decit cele externe.Modemurile externe au un display care furnizeaza diverse informatii si pot fi miscate usor la alt calculator

HS High Speed. This light means that your modem is ready to use its highest speed.
AA Auto Answer. If this light is on, it means that your modem is ready to answer the phone.
CD Carrier Detect. This means that your modem is connected to another modem.
OH Off Hook. This light comes on when your modem connects to your phone line to dial out.
RD Receive Data. This means that your modem is receiving data from the other modem.
SD or TD Send Data or Transmit Data. This light indicates that your modem is sending data.
TR Data Transmission Ready. This light comes on when your modem is ready to transmit data.
MR Modem Ready/Test Mode. This light comes on when you turn on your modem, or when it drops its speed to a lower setting.

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